Getting Started

Here's a quick overview of the boilerplate. Follow along to get your app up and running.

Hey maker, welcome to ShipAppFast 👋

Here's a quick overview of the boilerplate. Follow along to get your app up and running.

Once you're done, start with this tutorial as an example of how easy it is to integrate modules into your app. Let's build that app, FAST ⚡️

Checkout the GitHub repository

1git clone ShipFast

This is a read-only repository. If you purchased the All-in pack, you will be able to access future revisions. Future revisions will be stashed in forms of tags on github. Once you checked out the repository, you can integrate modules into your app by simply moving or copying files over.

Project structure

Each module is at the project root and called ModuleNameModule

  • AIModule → Access to ChatGPT completion API, with increased reliability, main and secondary models (cheaper), and observability
  • AnalyticsModule → Emit analytic events and push those events to the cloud
  • ExperimentationModule → Setup A/B experiments and config flags that can be remotely controlled in real time
  • LoggingModule → Setup logging in your app
  • LoginModule → Present login page ( and social) in your app
  • OnboardingModule → Display an optimized onboarding experience to your users
  • PaymentModule → Integrate with Apple Payment service, also known as StoreKit
  • PaywallModule → Present your users with a paywall, describing different products, features, and reviews

Now, go ahead and start with this tutorial as an example of how easy it is to integrate modules into your app.